
Our Services

We work hard to deliver the best patient experience

Our Services

Whether you’re needing cosmetic, surgical or general dentistry services such as emergency fillings, extractions, bridges or root canal treatments come in for a checkup at our brand new surgery which is conveniently situated in the central city, with ample free parking available. Enjoy the aesthetic surroundings and friendly atmosphere of our new premises and get highly qualified advice on the dental options that are available to you.

Dental Examinations

Whether you need to isolate the cause of dental pain, get a filling, an implant or a wisdom tooth extracted, we can provide the expertise you need with a simple examination of your teeth.

Dental x-rays

X-rays assist with your general diagnosis by isolating any decay that may require fillings or root canal treatment decay. 
Our state-of-the-art Orthopantomograph is a panoramic x-ray machine that reveals more specific detail than standard X-rays. 

Oral Health

Bacteria are the main protagonists that cause gum disease, gingivitis and bad breath.

Dental Check-ups

Regular dental checkups are vital to your ongoing health. 
During these checkups, we’ll examine your baseline chart for your existing teeth, your extractions or any fillings that you may have. We’ll then check for any possible decay that may require fillings or repair by taking an X-ray in most cases.

Teeth Cleaning

We provide professional cleaning, de scaling and polishing with the removal of plaque build up.

Fillings and Cavity Treatment

When cavities need attention or existing fillings need replacing, we have a number of options available including composite (white fillings) where possible.

Root Canal Treatment

Root Canal Treatment is a specialist process used when the tooth has decayed to such an extent that it has infiltrated the dentin and has begun to kill the nerve tissue.
Symptoms include severe pain from hot or cold food, a dull pulsating ache that keeps you up at night or an abscess that has formed around the base of the tooth on the gum.

Tooth Extraction

If your tooth is beyond repair you may require an extraction. 
Local anaesthetic is administered to effectively numb the tooth site, Your tooth is then progressively loosened and removed. 

Dental Implants

A dental implant is one of the strongest solutions for replacing missing teeth as it can additionally hold and support a crown, a bridge or even full dentures. Implants are the closest thing to an artificial tooth as they look and feel like the real thing. 

Dental Crowns

A dental crown is a permanent porcelain or gold cap used to strengthen weak or broken teeth.  Crowns can also be used to improve your smile by changing the shape and colour of your existing teeth and filling up any unnecessary gaps with picture perfect teeth that will last the distance.

Teeth Whitening

Whitening gels are particularly effective in reversing dental staining.  We offer a take home dental treatment system with a customised moulded tray for your own teeth. This method is convenient, easy to use and personalised for best results.  Once you have your trays you can stop by and pick up whitening gel refills as and when you require.

Teeth Veneers

Dental veneers are thin sheaths of composite resin or porcelain that are bonded to stained or damaged teeth to protect and enhance the aesthetic appearance of your teeth. 

Dental Bridges

A dental bridge is a very effective solution for missing teeth. 
An artificial porcelain or gold tooth is created to be anchored and bonded to the surrounding teeth.

Composite Bonding

Composite bonding can restore chipped teeth and fill unsightly gaps between front teeth. 
The process is also particularly useful to cover stained or cracked teeth. Composite resin is tooth coloured bonding agent that can be matched to suit your surrounding teeth. The resin is applied to the damaged area and is sculpted to match your existing teeth.

Dentures & Plates

Dentures are worn as an acrylic or metal plate that cosmetically replaces missing teeth. 
These prosthetic plates are designed to match your existing teeth. A precise imprint is created to shape the plate to fit your mouth perfectly.


Are you after a smile you love with straighter teeth? Clear aligner treatment may be exactly what you have been looking for. We offer both Invisalign® aligners and Angel Aligner™ aligners.
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